Community Spotlight: Heather Caudill

Woman with purple hair in Ponya Bands Bamboo Terry Lined Sweatband

Meet wife, mom-of-three, and runner Heather Caudill! A longtime fan and friend of Ponya Bands, Heather runs like she does all things, with her heart and her faith. A lover of all things outdoors, you can often catch Heather and her family at local and state parks, kayaking, hiking, running, swimming, boating, biking, roller blading and camping. To say they are an active family is an understatement!

Raising strong three daughters takes a lot of work, and Heather is there every step of the way. Whether it’s filling in as cross country coach, cheering on the field hockey team, or helping sell treats for the school band, she is present and involved both as a role model and as a champion encourager.

Woman in Ponya Bands Bamboo Terry Lined Sweatband after run

Fall is one of Heather’s favorite seasons with cool mornings perfect for running, and she always has on one of her Ponya Bands! And, as a lover of all things pumpkin, you’ll probably see her in one of our Pumpkin Spice bands at some time. Her favorite style is our original band, the Bamboo Terry Lined Sweatband. It keeps the sweat out of her eyes and stays put and even fits under her bike helmet.

Woman biking with family

Can you believe Heather actually clears out her Ponya stash every so often to make room for more new fun patterns? She certainly does and who can blame her? She explained, “I have a display that swivels because I have so many of them!”

Display of Ponya Bands Bamboo Sweatbands

Heather just ran the Urban Bourbon Half Marathon and is training for the upcoming Nashville Half Marathon. Putting her heart into it, she is running Nashville to raise money for St Jude’s Heroes. Splitting her time between family and training is challenging, but she does it for a worthy cause and serves as a fine role model for her daughters. Trying new things and taking care of herself, she inspires through her example.

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