Let’s face it, wearing a face mask or covering isn’t fun and isn’t always comfortable. The loops don’t always sit right on your ears if you wear glasses, and tying them behind the head can be unwieldy for quick trips, people with shoulder mobility issues, and when you might want to be able to take it off and on often.
Right now, however, the CDC recommends wearing some kind of face covering as an easy way to help keep your germs to yourself. And with over 20 states currently under mask mandates, wearing some kind of face mask when out and interacting with others isn’t going away any time soon.
We can usually deal with the discomfort for short periods of time, like going to the grocery store. On the other hand, with more people going back to work, the need for a comfortable way to wear a wear a mask for an extended period of time has only grown This post will cover how you can make wearing face coverings both easier and more comfortable.
At Work
You can loop a traditional face mask behind the ears or get one that ties behind your head, but neither is absolutely ideal. They can cause pain around the ear, slide around While there are many hacks to help relieve pressure off of your ears, the most comfortable way is to simply add buttons to headbands for the mask to loop over.

This button trick can both save your ears and help your mask fit better as you can loop it around the button more than once. It also keeps your hands away from your face as you handle the loops on the buttons behind your ears. Of course, your headband has to be comfortable as well and not slip around. Buttons also sound easier to sew on securely than they actually are!
While we previously offered special Healthcare Headbands, we now put buttons on any of our headbands at your request with no charge. One of the most popular combinations is adding buttons to our Non-Slip Headbands for ultimate comfort and security. All you have to do is put “add buttons to headband” in the notes for any band you order, and we’ll do the sewing for you.
When you’re outside, you may not need to wear a mask the entire time, especially if you’re hiking or running trails or just working outdoors. In these cases, a buff type of tube band works well, but only if it has enough stretch that it can cover your nose and not move.Cotton buffs are easy to breathe in but tend to slide. It can also be difficult to layer some buffs/tube bands.
A bamboo/jersey blend combines the best in both breathability, just enough stretch to stay put, and the ability to layer.
Our BAMs (Bamboo Accessory Multifunctional) can serve as comfortable and breathable face covering when exercising or working outdoors. Available in a new 18 inch length as well as the original 11 inch length, you can double or even triple layer it for more coverage. You can leave it down around your neck when not needed and enjoy the sun protection and thermoregulation on your neck. When you encounter people, you can shimmy it up by handling it from the back and sides. The fabric is light and breathable while the stretch ensures the BAM stays in place while up.
We want everyone in our Ponya community and beyond to stay safe and healthy. We don’t need to be afraid, but we all should do what we can to keep ourselves and others around us protected. How are you handling the new normal right now? Tell us in the comments below, and subscribe to this blog's RSS feed using https://www.ponyabands.com/blogs/ponya-talk.atom.